Don't use MT3329-02 GPS

I ordered  the MT3329-02 GPS module from 3DR and it was dead on arrival.  I talked to several people on the forums and they agree it was DOA.  I did not see anything on an Oscope or logic analyzer as far as any kind of signals.  I have contacted the sales department 3 times via their email address and they are ignoring me.  Not only is 3DR selling products that do not work they refuse to talk to the people with the broken units.  Now I have spent my money on junk and cannot get a refund because apparently nobody is manning the helm at 3D Robotics.

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  • Hmm... you didn't post anything here.

    Did you properly power the unit and check for serial output?

    3DR support is usually pretty good.  Dead components happen sometimes, but 3/4 of the time it's user error.

    They're probably just busy helping other users.  You got your email in during the warranty period, so don't worry.  They're not going to rip you off.  But they can't instantly reply to every user who doesn't know how to properly troubleshoot their DIY products.

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