Double antenna tracking

Hi all,I've searched on the internet, and I've found anything.Has someone ever tried to fly fpv with an on-board gimbal-mounted high-gain antenna ?I know that military drones use it for telemetry (not only for the satcom enormous antenna but also for the ground base telemetry).I think it can be a very good way to increase the range of flight, especially with the 5.8Ghz antennas (which are small and lack of range...).What do you think ?

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  • I remember discussion about this on RCGROUPS a while back. The general concencus is that it adds to much complexity and increases the chance of video link failure to much. It's always safer to increase the gain on the ground station were you can make adjustments if needed. However those discussions were by FPV guys that can't afford to loose video. For autonomous UAVs, the FPV video becomes less critical is some applications, and is there more for as a backup.
    The code should be easy, it's the same as the home arrow on the minimosd, only it outputs a PWM like the gimbal code. The trick is preventing the wires from getting twisted up during loiter without loosing video.
    • Thanks for the answer.

      I would like to see some results, I think that if I don't see any I'll try one day...

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