Drone Payload release hack -help needed

I'm new to droning but I need help with a small project. I recently purchased an eflite payload release http://www.e-fliterc.com/Products/Default.aspx?ProdID=EFLA405 . I like to rig up a portable release that I can transfer to different drones. I tried hooking it up to a wireless doorbell but its not releasing. The doorbell gives me 5 volts from 3 AAA batts and I can increase the voltage using a 9v as well and the bell still operates. I understand that the Eflite requires ground, 5-8v input and a signal pulse to trigger it. Here's the doorbell I was trying. http://www.e-fliterc.com/Products/Default.aspx?ProdID=EFLA405

Any ideas ???

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