I am building a sensor for vegetation survey,all together its 718 grams.I and looking for a fixed-wing (preferably) to carry it and the whole thing need to be under 2kg ( CASA regulation in australia to flight without spending a lot in licence ).
For now its just a prototype and i need to test my sensor with real condition.I am looking for a 10~15 min flight at a 50 m altitude (if things work fine i will be looking for a large drone that can fly for hours).In the 718 gram there is already a RTK-GPS that could be use also for navigation.
Do you know if its possible to carry that much weight witouth being over 2kg ?
I reckon one of these could do it https://www.hobbyking.com/en_us/hobbykingtm-bix3-trainer-fpv-epo-15...
Learn to fly it or get somebody who can before adding the autopilot and sensor.
Or just send the sensor to me and I will fly it for you ;-)
The struggle is because its research project ( i am doing that to get material for a phd) and in Australia,research are consider as commercial by the authority.That why i am looking to be under 2kg to not get any trouble by authority.Do you have any idea which direction i should look at ? I rather paying more for a ready to fly platform (if possible) as i am already spending my night on this project
Yes very easily if its a traditionally build aircraft. Multirotors will struggle because they rely on power to defeat gravity. I'm sure a couple of off the shelf foamies would even do it.
If you are not flying commercially for your trials you don't need to worry about the licence.