i have some questions about flying missions with a Hexacopter using APM 2.6 with arducopter Firmware 3.2.1:
1. What happens after a mission finishes? I used an old android tablet and droidplanner 2 to create a "mission" just some waypoints... So what happens after the last waypoint? Does the copter go to stabilize? to Loiter? What does it do?
2. What is a good speed to fly for mapping purposes with a hexacopter? (slower - better resolution? - faster more coverable aeria?)
3. How does APM go from one Waypoint to another if they have different height settings? For example Waypoint 1 is 30m high, waypoint 2 100. Is the copter then flying diagonal from waypoint 1 to 2 or does it first fly to the x/y value and then climbs up?
Any Idea would be nice!
Thanks a lot!
1) You can it a mission with a land or RTL command; or simply take control after the last waypoint where it will just be waiting.
It will be in the same mode that you started from.
I take off manually in AltHold or Position Hold and confirm that the copter is flying well before switching to Auto. I usually put a last way point above where I want to land and then switch to Land for the descent. At that point I still have horizontal control while it comes down automatically.
2) Try several speed to see what you like, no magic number.
3) The copter will attempt to fly a straight line between the two points. That is why it is important to insure that there are no obstacles between WPs. If you want a climb first just put in another waypoint higher before the horizontal move.
that cannot be too difficult right?
Any Help would be great!