Dual APMs - Off-CG Symmetrically

Quick, simple, practical question.

I'm looking at ways to increase redundancy in the plane I'm building. I am considering the following:

- Dual APMs

- Mounted symmetrically away from the center of mass in one axis. (the lateral axis)

- Mounted in-line with the center of mass in the other two axes (the longitudinal and vertical)

I understand the issues of an IMU being mounted away from the CG (additional 'fictitious' accelerations due to the arm from the CG torquing the IMU).

The Question:

Given two symmetrically opposed (about one of the CG's principal axes) IMUs, is it possible or practical to mix the data from them, and therefore achieve both: 1) redundancy and 2) less noisy data?

Practically speaking, I would like to place the two APMs in the engine nacelles of each of my twin engines. The communication & data sharing between the APMs would be a separate topic, so don't worry about that here.

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