Easystar configuration



i am new here, and i am still trying to get my ArduPilotMega into the air, however i do have some questions.

First of all, i want to use an easy star, and as it is an easystar, it only has rudder and elevator. Does the Stabilization work without Ailerons?

Also i wonderes, in the config.h file, i changed the GPS_Protocol to #define GPS_PROTOCOL GPS_PROTOCOL_NONE, but then i reeived compiling errors. Is it not possible to fly without any GPS?

And last i wanted to ask wheter someone has some PID numbers for getting started, as all the standard values set the I and D part to 0.


This post maybe in the wrong section however.


Thanks a lot



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  • Distributor

    Hi Phil


    The Pid values work right out of the box on the EZ*, so no need to play with them :)

    The EZ* has no need for ailerons, the shape of the wing works like ailerons, it's a big topic, however if you Google dihedral for rc plane wings, or look here there is a guide on how it works :)

    I have never tried to use the APM without GPS, I don't think that the code you have put above will work, in the config.h file use the standard code and try stable mode in your hands on the ground, if it works there then it should in the air!

    Without the GPS you will not be using all the features of the APM, Way point navigation is not possible without a GPS unit.






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