Efficient "Allround" Miniquad


I am planning to build a miniquad by myself. It should become kind of an allround quadcopter that is powerful enough for acro flying and carrying an fpv setup. But mainly it should have as long of a flight time as possible (for a miniquad). 

My main question is about what motor and battery I should use. 

Because I don't have too much flying experience and I want longer flight time I think that a 3S battery is enough for the beginning. 

The motors I have in mind are

  • Lumenier rx2206 2000kv
  • Lumenier rx2206 2350kv
  • SunnySky X2204 2300kv (not sure if this one is outdated)

mainly because of their high efficiency. 

See my planned setup for the quad below:

  • Frame: DIY aluminum - OR - ImpulseRC Warpquad
  • Battery: ~2000mah 3S
  • ESCs: some 30A
  • Props: 5030 / 6040 (depends on motor; will test both for max efficiency)
  • Flightcontroller: Custom build (still in planning but if anyone's interested: pjrc Forum)
  • RX: nrf20L01 module (fitting my diy FC)
  • Planned size: ~250mm
  • Planned weight: 300-400g


  1. Is the assumption right, that flying on a 3S battery, with this setup, is more efficient (=longer flight time) than on a 4S?
  2. Are my suggested motors as efficient as I assume (compared to others)?
  3. Do you have any general recommendations on motors / props / batteries / ESC's?
  4. Is an efficient miniquad even a possible thing?

Thank you for all answers in advance. 

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