
EM-406A Back to Stock Config

I have an EM-406A that I'm wanting to test out that's on loan from a friend but it's not in the stock form anymore. Any idea what commands I need to send it to get it back to the stock configuration as it would have been received from SparkFun?Also, I'm using a Mac. Would it be easiest to send all the commands using the Arduino or do I need to go through some other way?

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  • Any idea what commands I need to send it to get it back to the stock configuration as it would have been received from SparkFun?


    Leave it unpowered 5-6 days. It will revert. NMEA, WAAS=on, 4800 bps.


    Or, if you know the baud rate and mode it is in, send the commands in that baud rate and mode (NMEA or binary) to command it to the baud rate and mode you want. Do you need a manual? There was one in the DIY store page for the EM-406.


    Also, I'm using a Mac. Would it be easiest to send all the commands using the Arduino or do I need to go through some other way?


    I use an FTDI cable. Unless I want the Arduino to do something.

    If I'm "in a mood", the MediaTek "MiniGPS" app runs under Wine. It will show you the NMEA messages, show sat locations, etc. However, the MediaTek commands are not the same so you can't command the EM-406 to do anything.

    I have gotten SiRFDemo to run under Wine, but it does not recognize the serial port. OTOH I haven't tried real hard to get it working.



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