Equivalent motor for NTM 2826A 1200kv ?

I am currently using the NTM Prop Drive Series 28-26A 1200kv for my F550 hexacopter (with MultiWii flight controller), and also on my 3D Printed quadcopter (with Naze32 flight controller)

The problem with this motor is that it has too much vibration. On my F550 it seems to work OK, when I sandwich the flight controller between moon gel slices, but I did the same on the 3D printed quadcopter, and the moon gel cannot keep up with the vibrations, and the quad twitches, and shakes... it flies... but not smooth. I can actually see the arms of the quad vibrate at high frequency while it's flying.

I tried to balance the motors, and it removed a little bit of the vibrations, but not enough. (Props are balanced)


I tried to find an equivalent motor, but most I find are for 3S battery, and I am using 4S battery...

Does anyone know a good quality replacement for this motor? Similar size, power, 1200kv, 4S ?

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