er9x APM2.5 WIRING HELP needed!

I am about to fly (successfully) today!  I'm new at this, and have experimented with the flight mode setups until I'm almost crazy.

What has led me astray is how to hook up the receiver to APM wires!  I do not understand the crossover, omitted channels, channel 5 & 6 quirks!  I have tried everything.

However when I hooked channel 5 to channel 5 it appears to work.

The channel mixing has confused me because of my switch from the plain 9x to a new er9x FrySky that I much prefer.

I downloaded a mix setup and got it programmed. (Forgot the creator's name/post, etc)  It is labelled APM2.5

Channel 5

It has the -70 FULL SW1, etc thru SW6     and channel 100 HALF ELE     I'm OK so far on this

Then Channel 2 LIMITS is set to -100 -100 INV.   I have no idea what that is for. Need help.

Under CUSTOM SWITCHES there is S1AND  ID0!AIL    etc for S2 S3

For S4:     S4AND ID0 AIL    etc for S5 S6               I OK on this too.

I have channels 1 thru 5 connected straight thru to the APM

Do I hook up Channel 7 to Channel 7 so I can use that in Mission Planner for an additional (RTL) command.

Is leaving Channels 6 & 8  disconnected for now correct, until I learn more?

Charging batteries, balancing props, awaiting help. :)

Bo Barry

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  • MR60

    Hi Bo,

    Here are pictures of my ER9X configuration that you can copy (the three images are of the same screen to cope for the scroll).







    This will allow you to use the three position switch together with the Ail switch to make six positions -> six modes.

    In my configuration, you simply connect the 8 outputs of the Frsky receiver to the 8 inputs of APM (1 to 1, 2 to 2, etc no crossing).

    My configuration gives you also the use of pot2 to channel 6 and channel 8 of APM (useful to tune PID for example or to control the tilt of a gimbal).

    The TRN switch is configued to channel 7 to trigger a camera for example.

    Hope this helps,




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