
  • im trying to get the LOG info here

    2011-12-14 04-26-09.tlog

  • Is your speed measured by a pitot tube, or by GPS ground speed?

    In the case of no pitot tube, throttle is your defined cruise throttle setting, then it is varied according to desired pitch (if desired pitch is flat, throttle stays at cruise, if the desired pitch is positive, throttle is increased).

    * If you want the throttle variation in AUTO to be more constrained you can decrease the max throttle setting, so there is less of a difference between cruise and max. 

    * If you think nav_pitch keeps flapping around you can also decrease ALT2PTCH_P/I/D in order to allow more altitude error and thus less feed-thru to throttle.

    * There is also THR_SLEWRATE to consider: you could set that to % change per second maximum rather than the default of 0. That puts a damper on the maximum speed change of the throttle. It applies to every mode other than AUTO.

    You may have to look at the logs to see the root cause of the throttle changes.

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