ESC/Motors constantly beeping

Good Day

I'm new to the forum and hope that someone can shed some light onto a small technical issue. I have been buildiing multicopters for the past couple of years and my latest creation is a 3100g, 1300mm quad copter with Q9 Hlg motors 100KV, Pixhawk FC, 3DR telemetry and DSM2 sat receiver, GPS is a 8 NEO generic knock off but works well. The ESC's are 80A with no BEC and additional power will be drawn from PDB.

Ok now to the nitty gritty of the problem, I have assembled the quad, conducted the individual manual ESC calibration off air frame with no issues. All esc's calibrated and recognize low and high points of the throttle.

Once all components are tied back into Pixhawk all function normally with one exception, the ESC (motors) all beep consistinently until safety switch is actived. Once Pixhawk has cycled through and I have GPS lock and green light is actived the motors emit beeps, once I press the safety switch and the quad is armed the beeping stops.

This happens in reverse order, once mission is over I re-enage the safety switch and the beeping starts again. I have not flown as of yet but will attempt a simple hover stability flight today.

This beeping does no seem to affect any of the fuctionality but is rather an annoyance which I would like to eliminate.

Any assistance would be apprciated.

Chuck R


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  • 3D Robotics

    That's normal. When the safety switch is not pushed, there is no signal going to the ESCs.  Some ESCs don't beep in that condition and some do. As you note, it doesn't affect flight.

  • i have same problem i think it's Pixhawk ESC initializing problem 

    • Hello

      Thank you for confirming I'm not alone, I flew the Quad the other day in loiter mode with no issues. She was a thing of beauty. I guess I will have to put up with the long as she fly's.

      Appreciate the comment.


      •  hello how i see it's not Pixhawk Flight controller problem, I have Installed qgroundcontrol 2 and write firmware end ESC stop beeping and everything is working Good its Mission planner problem

        • Many thanks
          Not sure how you a achieved the desired ends state, I'm not there in terms of adjusting firmware. Can you explain the process you used in making adjustments.
          Very much appreciated.
          •  it is more easier than Mission planner setup. download qgroundcontrol 2 link


            install qgroundcontrol 2 

            1: upgrade firmware from qgroundcontrol 2 select your Quadcopter frame, it's automatical erase mission planner firmware and install qgroundcontrol firmware to your Quadcopter.

            2: then run calibration step by step.

            Just remember after installing firmware from qgroundcontrol it's not be recognizable for mission planner! it's working only in qgroundcontrol.

            best regards.


            • Goga

              GTG, not sure if I will make this shift. I have qgroundcontrol installed, not sure of the version which I will check tonight. You are correct in terms of user friendly and simplicity for setup and configuring FC. I have attempted to use QGC in the past but was confused with the Flight Mode application in terms of assigning function to applicable switches.

              Have a wonderful New Year



              • you to my friend Have a wonderful New Year

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