Esc not arming on latest arduplane

hey guys, for weeks i'm trying to figure out whats going on...But i give up now, and will ask the pro's.

I have a brand new APM2.5 with arduplane running on it... latest stabil and beta are both tried.

I can boot the board just fine and all servo's work, except the esc that is not arming.
So no beeps.
If i connect the esc to the receiver it arms just fine.

Transmitter is a DX8 and receiver an AR600.

What i see...

if i put the bind plug in, the esc will arm, and start running after arming.
All servos just work fine, but motor will not stop.

without the bind plug, the board boots up fine, all servos work, but no esc.
If i now use the arming procedure like for a quad... the esc will arm. and start running, but the trottle stick is not doing anything. Now the aileron mixed with the elevator is the only way to slow down the motor.

Now i tested this with 4 different ESC. One stopped working after working fine for about 2 days.

the others all have the same behavior. Expect one... that just works fine.
Bad thing this esc is not heavy enough or i would use that one.

I tried a turnigy AE-65A esc, died after 2 days working fine.some HK branded 20 a 30A and now a RC plus 85A all had the same issues.

the only one that worked fine is a E-flite 40A.

Any ideas why one works fine and the rest is doing crazy stuff if connected to the APM but work fine if connected to the receiver directly.

I tried setting end-points manually if connected to the receiver.
Playing with the throttle range.

pls help...

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  • Sounds like you put the cables in the wrong channels...

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