I am building my own drone. I bought some parts online and put them together. Then I got a problem. The ESC has 3 SIGNAL wires (ground, power and signal) but my flightcontroller board has only 2 inputs for (ground and signal) the ESC's. I still soldered the other wires to the board and tested it with betaflight motortest and with my controller but the motors don't rotate. The reciever works fine and I measured that there was power going through the ESC power input cables but there was no power on the ESC output cables. I hope you guys can help me.
Links for my parts:
flightcontroller: https://www.speeddrones.nl/f4-pro-flight-controller.html
battery: https://hobbyking.com/nl_nl/turnigy-1600mah-3s-30c-lipo-pack.html
receiver: https://www.speeddrones.nl/fs-ia6b.html
controller: https://www.amazon.de/Fernbedienung-Helikopter-Multirotor-Quadcopter-Deutschland/dp/B014D0UJJE
motors and ESC's : https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/4x-2212-920KV-Brushless-Motor-CW-CCW-4x-SIMONK-30A-ESC-For-DJI-Phantom/32394052434.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.Yuh7YL
Picture of the drone: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cXzUKkSvqdDQEIiowcJ0l6OSG408dKEnLw/view?usp=sharing