ESC PWM Frequency

Hi Guys,

I am using a BeagleBoneBlack to generate PWM signals for an ESC. I am using an Afro multirotor ESC 20A. I am confused with the PWM frequency.

The link below is the manual for this model.

In default setting, it is mentioned "for PWM motor stop/arm below 1060us and full power at 1860us." Further more in the hobbyking website,

it mentions input 1kHz. Now I am confused because 1kHz is 1000us. This would not even start the motor.

Also in the manual->general operations section it is mentioned default PWM frequeyncy is 18kHz with 800 steps. Again 18kHz is 55us.

What am i doing wrong here?

Thanks guys

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  • This is right for brushless motor esc :"for PWM motor stop/arm below 1060us and full power at 1860us". but sometimes it not very accurate,you can do a calibration first.

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