My quad seems to be flying great until I flip it into loiter. As soon as I do that it takes a 90' turn and tilts about 45' and just keeps going that way on its way towards the ground till I flip back to stabilize. I recalibrated my compass but its still doing it. I'm using APM 2.6 with the LEA-6H compass gps. Its mounted up on a post above my FC in the center of my quad. The compass seems accurate however after calibrating the first number was around -190. I think thats to high? I've included the log below.
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Yea so after looking through my logs it turns out I might be a moron. Somehow I ended up swapping my loiter to guided mode. So I kept switching to guided.... gonna try loiter tonight and see if we get better results.
I'm not sure if the compass is on top of the gps or bottom. But when I spin the quad it spins the compass correctly. If it needed to be rolled I believe the compass would be turning opposite of the way the quad was turning.