Hello, i had a big crash and i need help figuring out what happened

My setup:

  • Bix3 kit
  • 3DR pixhawk 
  • 2200kv outrunner motor
  • 7x4 CCW prop
  • 2700 mAh LiPo as power source in the nose
  • The plane was balanced at the proper point
  • The servos where centered 

 During the latest flight, the plane reached the end of its route in auto mode and entered RTL. As soon as this happened, instead of returning, the plane began a downward spiral and crashed from an altitude of 90 m. 

After taking a look at the log file, I noticed that at the end of it, when the crash ocurred, the PX4 behaved how I had programmed it, having a turn angle of 40 degrees maximum, and the plane disregarded this and continued turning way over that angle (see image below). Having seen that, I made a test to check if it was a mechanical failure, and the servo motors operate with normal behavior.

Having said that i need to know if anything else in the plane failed but my abilitys to interpret the logs are limited,any help would be appreciated.

the crash happens at the end :(

I have attached a link for the log the file size is 13mb



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