EZUHF Rx and APM2.5 PWM or PPM ??

Hey guys, I cannot find a detailed guide on getting the EZUHF and the APM2.5 to play nice. I have several specific questions.

1. Must I provide two seperate power sources to the APM2.5 board, one on input and one on output pins? Does the answer to this change under any conditions?

2. Has anyone successfully gotten the APM2.5 and EZUHF to work together? If so, what physical configuration did you go with? PPM or PWM?

3. Is there a voltage step up or regulator needed because of the voltage difference between the units? does this change if PWM set up is possible?

4. Do you have any pictures of the setup that works? 

My goal is to use the apm in a Penguin FPV plane. I have a long range set up now...just trying to get the apm to work with EZ gear! Thanks!


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  • Thanks!

    I haven't got the cables yet so i just connected 1 -1 with normal 3 core servo cables and works a treat!

    I will order the cables though as its less wres to mess with! Thanks for uploading the photo!
  • 1 no

    2 yes, ppm

    3 no

    4 not me but read both manuals and you should be fine.

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