fail safe setup

I'm looking for some help with the basic's of setting up fail safe.


When ground testing, is there any way to check in the GUI that failsafe is working? And to show what's supposed to happen once its triggers?

"To enable failsafe, set the parameter THR_FAILSAFE to 1 (0 = disabled).

If you have enabled and triggered failsafe, your copter will rise 10m, RTL back to home, and auto-land after 20 seconds.

For safety, Failsafe RTL will NOT engage unless you are Armed and at least 10m from GPS home. Even with these requirements, you must remain diligent when using failsafe. It is likely you may accidentally trigger failsafe by turning off the radio accidentally. This may cause the AC to lift off and hover 10m above it's current location.

Failsafe is triggered when your receiver outputs a low throttle signal (below 975µs by default). This can be done by looking at the Status or Raw Sensor View (Radio) and changing the end point on your low throttle setting so that it is below 975µs. Then programme that into your receiver as a Failsafe setting (refer to your receiver's manual). Then reset your low throttle setting back to what it was e.g. 1100. Test that the receiver Failsafe setting is working by viewing the radio data as above and then switching off your Tx. The Ch 3 setting should now drop to the below 975µs setting. Switching the Tx back on should restore the Ch 3 setting to your normal neutral throttle value. Recalibrate your radio settings once you have completed this exercise.

Once you enter faIlsafe, the copter will rise 10m above it's current altitude to avoid obstructions as it flies home and auto-lands. You can recover the copter in the air when you regain the radio link by switching the flight mode switch.

There are two options for failsafe. If you are in Auto and prefer to continue your mission,  the parameter THR_FS_ACTION should be set to 1. If you prefer to have the copter RTL even if it is flying under autopilot, set THR_FS_ACTION to 2."

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  • hi guys,

    im having a similar problem not sure if u can help . ive activated failsafe mines a ardurover, howeva even when i turn off my controller / receiver my outputs / motors keep turning. u got any ideas on how to change parameters or something on the apm unit ? i know its the apm unit coz before purchased the apm the robot worked fine . just for some reason the apm unit holds the output values.

  • I have my failsafe set up with the radio rather than the controllers too be honest. Fly & tune it too make sure it's good then test the rtl function to make sure it does. Land 7 disconnect power. Then make sure the transmitter is in the correct rtl mode with your switches and activate the reciver failsafe mode. Read about it in your r/c manual. Once reciever loses radio contact it will then trigger failsafe.

  • Moderator

    Currently the only way to tell if failsafe has been activated is to see (and hear) an uncommanded mode change in the MP. I've asked for a visual and audio notification of failsafe condition here:

    Hopefully it'll be added soon as I think it something pretty vital.

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