Fail safe with DragonLink with NAZA V2

Hi, I was hoping that someone can help with this problem. I have a DragonLink RX connected to a NAZA V2 and wanted to have my quad RTH if radio signal was lost PPM. I tried the DL software and places the fail safe on no output thinking that when I test the signal loss by shutting off my radio the NAZA would go to fail safe/return home but when I tried this when my quad was plugged into the NAZA software the mode switch went from GPS and jumped past the fail safe box and went to the end of the line highlighting nothing. Looks to me NAZA is reading a signal loss but not going to fail safe. I am almost finished with this build and would like to have the quad RTH if I loose signal. I am new to this forum and if you post a reply I my not find it when I look for it. Could you kindly text me at Meroneh@gmail.comThanks,Hal

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