FailSafe MUX Pins

I had just purchased a FailSafe MUX board. However, I am not sure of the pins and their usage in the board.Please advise.

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  • Does the onboard uController perform the switching from input A to input B. Or is the uController suppose to use another port on the failsafeMUX board to select which input ports to read from?
  • @Ronald
    Can refer to the circuit diagram

    BR-0001-10-7.jpgFailsafe Mux

    Pin 1A, 2A... is one group and Pin1B, another group
    for example, u assign group A for input from rc receiver, then ur group B will needed to be connected to autopilot platform/another rc receiver.
    hereby, u can switch between these two groups
    and the output always connected to servos
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