FBW max bank angle problem

Hello everyone,


I have a weird problem with the FBW mode: The fly-by-wire mode works fine for level flight (so does stabilizing), but when i move the stick to one side, the plane starts turning, and never stops. I also tried it on the ground, when i switch to FBW mode and move the stick completly to one side, the rudder deflects (i am using an easystar) and when i bank the plane to 45 degrees the rudder ist still deflected (perhaps only a little less) but the artificial horizont does show a bank of 45 degrees. The pitch control does however work correctly. The limit of the bank angles are adjusted to max of 45 degrees, and the PID values are set to:

P_roll = 0.8;

I & D = 0;

I am a bit puzzled as i tried different versions, and still no effect.

Does anyone have an idea what this problem is caused by? Did anyone encounter the same?


Thanks very much for your help! Perhaps i can show you tomorrow a QGC logfile.



Update: as promised, i attached a logfile replay for Qgroundcontrol. The servo you want to observe is servo 4. At first i switch fo fbw mode, (for some strange reason testmode 2 in qgroundcontrol), the stick is at center, there you can see that when i roll the plane, the servos act accordingly. After that i move the stick to one side fully, but now the servo is at full amplitude and this does not change also when i roll the plane on one side or the other.

I would really appreciate any help on this, as i am pretty confused right now.. Is this a problem of the parameters (the parameters are also transmitted during the process so you should see which parameters i am using.) Hope that someone can help me...


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  • ok i solved this, actually i led the Ch2 of my receiver to Ch4 of the apm, because i wanted to use my right stick for banking control (my airframe is a easystar). That caused the whole mess.


  • Hey guys,

    I am pretty stuck. Did anyone ever encounter a similar problem? Is this a set up problem, or could this be a bug, but then why am i the only one encountering this problem? Well as you see, I dont have much of a clue ;).

    Please help me, as I can`t solve this problem alone.

    Thank you very much in advance



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