First Arducopter quick questions

I've looked through many posts but still have a few questions....

I've been flying a small quadcopter for a while and I plan on buying my first Arducopter in the next few days.  So far I think I might go with the following setup.

- APM 2.0, no GPS


- ArduCopter Hexa 3DR Frame + Motors Kit

        - 880 kV motors

        - 10x47 props

- 433 Mhz 3DR Telemetry kit

- Optical flow sensor

- MB1260 XL Max-Sonar

- 3DR Sonar Mount




- What kind of batteries should i use?  I'd like to get at least 10 minutes of flight time.  I'm not sure if I should use a 4s or 3s with the stock ESC's.

- Will a 5 channel radio work?  I plan on using a joystick through mission planner as my primary manual control and I already have a dx5e with an ar500 receiver that I could use as backup.

- Should I buy a additional BEC to power the APM?

-Any tips for this setup?




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  • Distributor

    Hello Alex,

    I would say to go with the 4S battery, the ESC's I get in the HexaCopter kits from 3DR say they will work with 6-16.8V's. I would try and aim for a battery about 5000 mah with at least a 30c rate.

    I would use an extra BEC and not the one on the ESC's, there will be a lot to power for the ESC's BEC.

    I will leave someone else to pass comment on the radio / joystick option, I have not used that radio before.....





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