First autonomous... well nearly autonomous flight

I finally worked up the nerve to maiden my radian test bed in autonomous flight.  I though if I lost a already mangled airframe it would hurt so much. Although the flight was not a gleaming example of success I did perhaps cure some of the butterflies. After climbing to a safe alt to provide for recovery I threw the witch. My radian jerked around to a approximate heading to the first way-point but then slowly continued the turn into a spiral and spin. I switched off recovered and tried it again this time making the initial approach closer to the correct heading to the way-point.  Same result jus happened slower.

Can anyone have any advice for a starting point to tweek the header file?

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  • 3D Robotics
    Reduce the Roll I near zero and lower the P a bit, too. Try this and see if that helps. We've never used a Radian before so can't give you more specific advice than that for now. I assume you've tested on the ground and all the control surfaces react the way you would expect.

    #define ROLL_P .50 // START WITH THIS VALUE TO TUNE - overall proportional term determins how much rudder you use to turn
    #define ROLL_I .1// roll PID integrator
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