First Crash

Lessons learned.  If you think it's gotten more windy between the time you decide to fly and the time you fly it probably has.  Altitude is your friend.  Trees are not.

That being said hit a tree about 15 feet up and broke a prop.  Upside down into soft grass.  One arm broken where the motor mounts.  See pic.  This motor and the one kitty corner seem a little glitchy but spin.  Other two motors spin freely.  Ordering arm and two motors.  Anything else I should be thinking of?

Seems to arm ok.  I'm going to see if motors spin ok once i get the other props off and straighten out the broken part of the arm.  Then I'll order what I need.  Advice from all you guys with a lot more experience than me appreciated.




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  • Good news so far.  Arms properly and all motors seem to spin up ok.   When I remove the arm and replace do I need to cut the motor wires and then resolder? 

    Thanks again


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