First flight S500 quad copter!

Just wan´t to show my happy first flight with my first build ebay quad S500. FC APM mini 3.1 and external neo7 Ublox gps/compass. Gimbal with a 4K camera for recording and a small 700TVL camera for the flight with telemetry viewed through my cheap 5" screen mounted on my radio. Tried stabilized, loiter, poshold, RTL and a auto mission with mission planner and it worked more than well. Flight time 14 min and 25 sec with an 3S 5200Mah. Sunnysky 2212 980kv with 10x4.5 props. 600mw video link and minimOSD and telemetry transmitter. Total weight 1.923kg. -8 degrees outside.

Today i´m happy! :-D


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