Fitting External LEDs

I have the Ardupilot 2 (ATMega 328) board with the v2 shield. Due to space constraints (I have a camera and battery in the cockpit) I want to mount the Ardupilot where I will not be able to easily see the LEDs. I want to fit additional LEDs that I can either mount on the outside of the fuselage or 'plug in' and remove prior to flight.I know that I can get feeds for the GPS Lock and Stat LEDs from the D12 and D13 pins on the shield. I cannot find any information on the layout of the main board to enable me to find similar headers to use for the Mux and Mode LEDs. Is their a PDF (I do not have Eagle) of the current main board layout anywhere or can anybody please tell me the location to get the Mux and Mode LED signals from?ThanksRichard

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  • Moderator

    +1, need to add brighter LED's as the ones on APM2 are not very bright especially when it's in the smoked plastic case.

  • Hi

    I have an APM 2.5 that I would like to mount internally in my plane. So there's a need for external LEDs here too.

    Any ideas on how to set this up?



  • 3D Robotics
    Eagle is free and is the best way to follow the traces. A pdf of the board won't really tell you anything, since it's a two-sided board. Download it here.
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