Fixed wing output wiring / config question


This must be a stupid question, but I'm a bit lost trying to understand Pixhawk outputs. From what I've gathered, Pixhawk doesn't provide power to the servo rail, so I will have to provide power from ESC or BEC. Simple enough. But when I read the wiki page here [] I'm getting confused. The page is talking about backup power to the Pixhawk through the servo rail and adding a diode..? What/how do I need to connect to the outputs for a simple non-redundant setup? I'm afraid to just try something in case I might fry the Pixhawk.

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  • That's what I thought, thanks for confirming. I'm still not sure if I should be using the diode or not - if yes, why isn't it included with Pixhawk?

    • It should have been designed into the PH, it was an oversight. As such, it should now be included with the kit. Unfortunately it's left as a DIY project. There is no reason not to add it. Without it your redundant power system might not work properly if you are powering servos from the rail. The other option is to power all the servos externally direct to a UBEC, only attaching the signal wires a a common ground. Then use a 3rd power source, perhaps the ESC, to power the rail for the sole purpose of back up power.
      • Got it, thanks.

  • Simply apply a 5v UBEC to the servo rail to power the servos. The Pixhawk will use that power to run if it's primary source fails. The catch is that the servos can cause voltage sags which can brown out or reboot the Pixhawk. That's what the diode is for.
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