Flight equipment list.

I am just getting into the UAVs, i have been flying RC airplanes, and heli for a while.  I even got into the RC battleships that actually shot bbs at each other for points or to sink one another.  All those hobbies had there excitement but soon ran out.  The UAV area is an area that will never get old because of its infancy.


Any way the whole point of this is to get a quick equipment list. 


I have a air frame that i have built and i'm ready to outfit with the electronics.  What i would like the uav to do is take off manually, then to switch on the auto pilot, go to 2 pre determined way points, proceed to the third, and then at the third way point it to be programed to drop a bunch of adevertising pamphets.


If somebody could tell me all the electronics i would need to do that i would be very greatfull.  I have an idea but before i spend that type of money i want to be certain.



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  • 1 x Ardupilot Mega 2560 + GPS + Mag (compass) it has a relay that could be programmed to fire an actuator for doors.

    Airspeed Sensor (for Plane Frame)

    Sonar (optional) for quad frame

    1 x Laptop with mission planner Installed. Mission Planner can do around 10 way points with circle Loiter.

    Look at this link

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