Hi..i try to change my flight mode to "Auto" for auto takeoff but nothing happened. When i check using telemetry i noticed that the flight mode does not change even after the "Auto" mode is triggered using CH5. It still show "Stabilize". I tried reprogram the APM1 but the result is still the same. There are several modes that showed "stabilized" even the selected mode is triggerd - AUTO, GUIDED and OTHERS except ACRO, ALT_HOLD and STABILIZE. Is there any changes that i should do. Anyone please help

Frame: Quad

Board: APM1

Firmware: 2.6


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  • oh i see..that's right gentlemen..problem solved..i have to lock the GPS signal before triggering into "AUTO"..i like this safety features to prevent the quadcopter from falling if GPS signal in disrupted..thank you very very much..
  • Yes, it won't go into Auto mode if you don't have a GPS Fix.

    Dror: I agree.

  • Developer

    It's a safety measure to prevent fly-aways. 


  • The HUD show´s "no fix" for GPS, you need a GPS 3D fix for the other modes.

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