Flighttime for waypoint flight

Hi there

Have been looking all over, but dont seem to be able to find anything about flighttime, when you have entered a waypoint flight..

Is this feauture in the mission planner, I cant find it ???

I have just entered the pixhawk world, and are used to the Dji groundcontrol, where you can enter your aircraft max flighttime, and dependent on how big your flightplan is, it will calculate, the flighttime for the waypoint route....its not a 100%, but it has a function, that it will abort the mission, and fly home and land in time, before running out of battery....(in case your flightplan is to long).

If its not available, this would be a great feature for the mission planner.

regards Bison

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  • Moderator

    Flight time is available in the user selected extra items in the headup display

    • Hi Dwgsparky - found the flight time in the head up, but thats not what I mean....For that I can use the timer on the transmitter.

      What I`m thinking about is in the planning state...

      When you add/edit waypoints in Dji groundstation, it calculates the estamated flighttime for that given route...This way you can quickly get an idea, if you can make the flight with a know flight time available on your aircraft.

      If you dont know this, you can easily make a route, which the aircraft has no fuel for (Battery Mah)

      Dji route flight time calc:


      Its would also be nice to be able to set a max flight time for the aircraft

      Dji does it like this:


      For Scott:

      Wind calc : would be awesome, and would indeed make a flight time calc more exact taking into wind dir and wind speed into account to come up with gs and tair speed.....

      Then it would be close to our real navigation systems (been a commercial heli pilot for 10 years).



  • Post this request on GitHub so the developers can track it.
  • I have also been looking for this. This is important in manned systems and would like to see the same here. Head wind direction input would be cool as well. Just keep an eye on the voltages I guess
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