Hey yall, ive been thinking bout my senior project and i want something unqie, everyone uses the Easy start platform...
I was wondering about Fling wings? are they any harder to program/tune to get flying?
heres the possible wing i was thinking of?
is it any good?
--They are not for novices. You should be a very experienced RC pilot.
--It's hard to maintain the CG, so it's best for small autopilots and gear that you don't move around much or add to.
--Unless you're flying a big one, like the Ritewing Zephyr, you won't be able to carry much gear. Since there isn't much of a real cockpit, you either have to carve into the foam or tape stuff on. It can get pretty messy.
I'm not familiar with the one you linked to, so I can't comment on that.
If you want to try an intermediate wing-like plane that's a lot easier to fly and set up, you might want to check out the SkyFun.