Hi Everyone,
I've been working on trying to meld two different modes together Fly_By_Wire_B and ACRO mode inside ArduPlane. The basic idea is that I want to use the TECS controller to keep the plane at a desired altitude and airspeed, kind of like what FBWB does, while being able to pass rate commands to the plane using a mavlink message.
At the moment I can pass a yaw rate command to the plane and do the back calculations based on velocity and yaw rate needed to find the roll angle. It works fairly well so far, however, its important to note that I am sending the mavlink message with the yaw rate from a computer that lives onboard the plane.
I'm looking for any suggestions or references to other people that may have already done something similiar to this.
Nothing wrong with pixhawk or l1 just need something more specific.
For further clarification right now I am using this mode for turn rate commands.
An example being the payload has a goal location which is simple a gps waypoint. The payload then calculates the error between the planes heading direction and the direction towards the goal and used a PID controller to calculate a desired turn rate (yaw rate). It sends this the plane over a mavlink message and the autopilot interprets this and preforms the necessary actions to turn at the rate specified.
I'm not following.
Thank you.
Right now autonomous flight is restricted to the use of the L1 controller and waypoints. The idea is to provide the ability for high level path planning to be done off board, in my case, a payload computer and then pass rate based commands to the plane via mavlink. I'm using this for potential fields at the moment and I don’t really want to worry about keeping my height and speed hence the use of the TECS controller.