Flying through Mavlink only

Does anyone know of a GOOD controller that can be connected to Mavlink via USB and can actually be used to control a multirotor?   I have purchased a dozen joysticks, simulator controllers, etc.  but I haven't found any of them that is really what I want.  I'm looking for the following:

1. At least 6 ANALOG channels (the usual 4 plus MODE and one more) plus one or two switches.

2. An output that varies from below 1000uSec to above 2000uSec when the controls are moved to their full extents.  Most simulator controllers have a range of about 1200 - 1650uSec.  I would like a full-range output.

3. A good "feel" - quality joysticks. Unit fits in your hands.

And does NOT have -

A throttle that snaps to 50% when you let go of it.

My goal is to quit using my Futaba and other controllers and fly exclusively "through" Mavlink.  Since this would be my only controller, I would like it to work just as well as the one I'm replacing.

I currently use 6 analog channels (pitch, roll, yaw, throttle, mode, camera zoom).

Another two analog channels would be nice (camera pitch, camera yaw).

I found a simulator controller that is fairly nice, and has 5 channels, but the range of the outputs (minium - maximum pulse width) is very small.  This narrow range seems to screw up MP.

If anyone knows of a solution, I would like to know.

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