Flying Wing (FX-61)/Pixhawk questios

Hi,I've been building a Phantom-Fx-61 with a Pixhawk controller and have a Futaba 10CAG radio. I've got the plane completed, have installed the flight controller and have at least run through the basic setup. But I have a few questions because the controls don't seem right.How does the Pixhawk know I've got a flying wing with only two control surfaces? I don't see a setting for this and moving the controller on the radio doesn't move the flaps properly, -they both move, just not in the correct orientation?Is there a default setup for a stock FX-61 tuning, or a good place to get stared working out the tuning for a novice?ThanksMike

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  • You should watch tuffwing support or dennis baldwin on youtube, it's very well explained

  • I'm still having an issue I hope someone can help me with. The right stick on my plane doesn't work properly, everything is off. Here's what's happening:

    Stick south - left eleven down, right eleven level
    Stick south west - left down, right up
    Stick west - left down, right up
    Stick north west left up, right up
    Stick north left up, right level
    Stick north east left up, right down
    Stick east left down, right down
    Stick south east left down, right down

    Left stick throttle works fine. Anyone have any ideas or suggestions?

    Thanks Mike
  • i would also enjoy a detailed writeup from someone experienced as there is relatively little information regarding apm/ph and planes compared to copter and IMHO i enjoy planes more than copters...

  • Thanks for all the tips, sorry I haven't responded we're away on vacation this week, I've tried following suggestions and the wiki but haven't had any luck yet, I tried using the new eleven settings without any luck, will try the old when I get home....really I think this should be easy...others have done it, but I've been considering a change in airframes to something more conventional. I have been reading though and trying to sort out what the issue may be....many thanks!
  • I've built about 8-10 of these birds, even have the same radio.  I'll PM you with my number.

    • Why not writing here ?

      • Too much detail.
        • We want details ...

  • Play with elevons mixing and you will find the good settings.

    Note also that you have to do a channel mixing in your remote controller (ex: Taranis or other)

    • No, don't do any elevon mixing in your controller. Let the Pixhawk handle this.
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