Flying without compass.

I'm having a issue with one of my APM1 boards.

The handtest shows that the quad wants to make a lot of movement in random directions.

First of all the compass states 'not healthy' with CLI test. I desoldered the mag and want to test the APM on its own.

Is it possible to have a stable flight without magneto? (and also disconnecting GPS offcourse)

What are the symptones flying without?


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  • Update,


    I ordered a new compass


    Tested it on the oilpan and has the same problem.


    The problem is within the oilpan itself.

    I will try and contact diydrones support.


    Lets hope.

  • Monroe, I cant test the compass on the other APM.

    There sure must be another way to test the compass in standalone setup.

  • Do you have an FTDI cable?

  • Hello Vincent, in my experience when a mag blows out, it is very difficoult to get it back.

    It is the part that failed mostly in my APM's.

    About flying withou it, you will have no issues for stability but will have a little drift on yaw, but you will not be able to use any GPS functionality. So no LOITER, RTL, WAYPOINTS etc.)

    It will just be a good stabilized platform.



  • Does someone know how the test the magnetometer separetly just to make sure its the magn and not the APM?


    Meanwhile I'm looking for an alternative.

    Could this magn be compatibel with APM1?

    Its also I2C and has an 3 and 5 V supply option.

    Also 3.3 regulator.

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