for Draganflyer X4?

I am a layman, for micro-UAVs might be interested in the hope that used for aerial photography. I have several questions ask:(1) For Draganflyer X4,This UAV can do DIY?(2) where the production of such UAVs do have friends?(3) If the DIY drone, about how much money?Thanks!

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  • Dear Sir,this website is very interesting and thank you very much.
  • Admin

    For budget quadrarotor UAVs you can also checkout this website:

  • Hi,friend,thank you.
    I am a newbie. I am interesting in aerial photography and hope to learning a few knowledge for UAVs.
    I think Draganflyer X4 is a good UAV but it is very expensive for me. For this reason, i am looking the help in here.
    I hop to know the things in the follwing:
    (1) Could make a analogous of Draganflyer X4 thought DIY?
    (2) If yes, to buy these subassembly and to need how many (roughly)?
  • Check this out at the draganflyer website
  • Developer

    Sorry. You need better translation. Your questions do not make sense.
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