FR-Sky vs OrangeRx

I am in a predicament,

I have a TH9x and want to upgrade the back module and both FR-Sky and OrangeRX is good in its own little way.

I am using the APM 2.5 and is looking for distance and failsafe, I am not too worried about the telemetry option because the 3DR radio gives it to me much nicer the remote will ever give.

I am looking at the following.

and then on the Frsky's advert the following is stated.


"If you think DSM2 or FASST is the best, think again!
New FrSKY ACCST (Advanced Continuous Channel Shifting Technology) gives you secure radio communicatios in 2.4Ghz band. ACCST 2.4GHz system shifts 80 channels around hundred times per second in the 2.4GHz band. This means that the system is completely resistant to interference in that band."

What is the best and why, please help?


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  • Developer
    Have FrSky and Open9X. I've modded the TH9x to show telemetry. I use it for when not flying the APM. frSky seem to be good at releasing updates to their products. Like CPPM and fixes to that. Apparently frSky make the Orange FAAST Rx, but not the DSM one.
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