Fried a chip

After a short test flight, in which I realized some of the motors were not plugged in to the correct output on the APM2.5, I had rewired and plugged the battery in to test the motors before reattaching the props and flying again. The first time I plugged the battery in there was no problem however it would not arm, so I went ahead and unplugged teh battery again to prepare for ESC calibration. Pluggint he battery in produced a cloud of smoke, and I quickly unplugged it.

Looks like one of the chips got fried.

I have looked at the eagle schematic files but I'm not sure what chip this is. I purchased the APM from 3drobotics, do you think they would be able to repair it for me? I'd rather not spend another $200 on a cheap chip. As a last resort I might be able to solder another one on myself if I knew what chip it was.


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