Frustrating compilation Errors



Iv seen a few people that is haveing trouble compiling the ArduPlane and ArduCopter code with Arduino 22 relax , Arduino 100 relax .


always seems to be ether"bootlean not declared" or "AP_int16 not name a type "


Any of one that got this working some advice would be great !



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  • I ended up going back to  Arduino 22 relax and ArduPlane 2.28. Make sure to place the folders in the proper sketch folder. It compiles and I upload it via USB to the APM2 board, but it wont run. Had to use Mavlink to upload ArduPlane 2.28 to get APM2 to work again. 

    I wonder, if APM2 needs to be reset/rebooted after an Arduino upload?  Or there are other issues? I even uploaded an unmodified 2.28 code and still wont work after the USB upload via Arduino environment.

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