Fun With 2.026

I have a std AC frame (no vibration damping, ragged old blades, kind of parallel arms, lots of tape and dings), old board without jumpers. Unit flies great with Ardupirates NG - sonar hold very accurate, good loiter, etc.

 I have flown earlier ACM versions with varying degrees of success - usually not too may wild out of control instances (old board  might help). But I have had little luck with sonar ( have XL-EZ0   and XL-EZ40), yet I have never gotten reliable results in the 2' to 8' range. Most often it would go a little, then drop to gtround at random. Setting higher than 8' often would give rapid up.

So I was anxious to try sonar with spike filter in 2.026. Got in some time today - stable mode is finally happy- I had no real yaw probs and it kept level after aggressive flying. Nice!  Sometimes a little 'twitchier' than NG, but not enough that I even feel like fooling with PIDs.

Anyway. I went into alt hold mode around 3-4' and it had no effect - still just like stable mode, throttle controls height.  I tried cli test- sonar ok. Tried both sensors, same thing.Used CLI (latest version, I also get no flight data) to repprogram modes, same prob.  I was ready to quit when I flipped ch5 from 'alt hold' to loiter, and like magic the sonar hold kicked in! I could get sonar hold fairly reliable from about 2' to 6' along with a reasonable loiter (maybe 10').

This is the first time I have gotten this to work since NG, so I was excited. I then made ch modes 'stable-simple-alt hold' just for fun. I was very surprised when 'simple mode' caused it to rise like a rocket, and luckily I am very fast on the mode switch (important tester skill) and brought it back in stable mode.

Does 'alt hold' work in sonar for anyone? I have had luck with it loiter mode almost every time, but am curious what is happening here. Be careful testing simple mode! I am still longing for simple mode plus alt hold - certainly the safest way to let a novice play with this toy!

Thanks agan, Jason and crew - we are getting much closer thanks to your hard work.

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  • i experienced the same problem today. simple mode flew away and climbing. alt hold and loiter did not work either. i have sonar installed too. in fact i think loiter would descend to hit the ground, whats the deal there?!
  • I tried simple mode and found out its not simple :p (crashed)
  • I tried alt hold using barometer and it just started to slowly climb and it doesn't stop.
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