Gas engine control

Hi guys

I want to know if it's possible to let the apm have full control over a gas engine?

These are the functions i'm looking for:

-Rpm input

-Engine starting/ stopping via brushless motor



-embedding these functions into a mission, eg: having the uav "soar" over a desired area

I'm not familiar with arduino programming but if someone could give me hints, that would be great!


My engine will have a generator. I'd like to know if it's possible to charge and use a lipo at the same time?

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  • i am also eventually building a larger scale uav, so i have been looking into it a fair bit. ill be using a 30cc motor and generator.

    rmp should not be a problem, just a servo as normal.

    stopping the engine would just require a kill switch off one of the i/o ports. I dont know if it is a good idea to turn the motor off tho, just incase it fails to start mid air :/ but it is always a good idea to have a kill switch.

    there are plenty of off the shelf telemetry kits that give rpm, fuel level temp etc, my idea was to run these over the back up rc gear with a long range uhf module, as there seems to be a lot of programming required to include it into the mission planner that is a bit over my head.

  • I have absolutely zero experience with gas motors, and not much more with electrics, but what mission are you trying to accomplish?  (I.E., why gas and not electric?)

    To the best of my knowledge, sonar is only good up to 10 meters.

  • Not much replies... :/

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