Gaui 330X: Acro Mode Tuning

I am using Gaui 330X frame with 2560 and firmware version 2.0.49. I had tried a very wide rage Rate K and Rate I values to tune this machine. In stablize mode I had done levelling and releveling multiple times. But I could not make this mode work like where I can say I have proper control on the machine. Its always flying and swinging.


Can someone give me his PID values or give me guidance

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  • Developer

    Farooq first i think you mean P value and not K as there are no K value. Second thing is that are you talking stabile mode or acro mode?? As in your test you are talking about stabile mode but your topic is acro mode.


    Remember Acro mode has no flight stabilization!! It is Acro mode and it's on pilots responsibility to keep it flying. Eg if you let go the sticks crash will be 100% guaranteed.


    Acro mode does not level... Acro is for extreme pilots only, rest of us are flying in stabile modes :)



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