GCS with second monitor output for HUD (not FPV)

I would like to be able to fly while watching the aircraft but still get critical flight data such as attitude and airspeed.  This means putting the display in the field of view without obstructing the view much.


A laptop or netbook is too large to do this.  There is no nice way to mount a netbook in the field of view.  A head mounted HUD, augmented reality glasses or a small chest mounted LCD monitor would work.


A second display window is required for the extra display.  It would be either a HUD display or a collection of instruments.


Some hardware:


This is perfect but $2000!



The PSP solution


There is software available to turn a PSP into a display

Any there are some extra control buttons there.  This display is pretty good in sunlight.


This might work




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  • Maybe a better idea:

    If the GCS serves a webpage instead of a second window, any web capable phone can serve as the second display.


    I stole this idea from somewhere but I don't know where.  Credit goes to someone else...

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