GDU O2-Everyone Everywhere Anytime

GDU O2 is the first drone to truly bring drone technology to anyone and everyone based on extreme usability,portability and price,it is first consumer/prosumer drone with a sliding arm configuration, it is first drone ever to have the controller and drone combine into one easy-to-carry package.
It is the first drone ever to have so many smart features
  • Obstacle Avoidance: A binocular system prevents the drone from hitting obstacles in its flight path. Instead of flying toward the objects, it will detect the obstacles and hover.
  • Gesture Identification: The camera can sense different gestures and perform smart tasks such as taking pictures, videos, move towards or away from the pilot, and hover at a safe distance.
  • Follow-Me Mode: Uses a visual sensor to detect the target and follow the target with a set distance.
  • Orbiting Function: Uses visual sensor to detect the target and circle around it with the camera facing the target.
  • Smart Shot: With the smart shot modes, the O2 can take 10-second short videos in three different pre-set flight modes: Circle, Rocket and Dronie.
  • Selfie Mode: The O2 will identify an object and fly to a pre-set distance to get the best shot – both photos and videos are available in this mode.
  • Burst Mode: The O2 will taking five burst pictures with five different zoom specs from the same spot with a single button press to give multiple perspectives in one shot.
  • Vertical Burst: The O2 will take off vertically with camera facing down in 3m/s speed while take continuous pictures every two seconds to give multiple perspectives in one shot.
  • Time-Lapse Shot: Record and play ratio 6:1
  • Slow-Mo Shot: Record and play ratio 6:1

Please click below link for O2 introduction video



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