Giving APM2 a try. Hexacopter Frame Selection

I've got the APM 2, a 3DR 915Mhz Telemetry set on its way, and a MB1200 XL-MaxSonar®-EZ0 Sonar unit as well.

I didn't have the best luck with APM1 but I blame this on lack of experience and the frame I was using. Since then it seems APM has matured and is looking good in the vids on both the 3DR frame but aftermarket frames as well.

I've done a lot builds since that failed APM1 build so I'm hoping I can get this one dialed:

My previous builds:

Due to my experience with APM1 I'm considering the OEM 3DR hexa for plug and play, the Xaircraft X650 CF DIY Hexa with Gimbal, or the DJI F550 Flamewheel. 

I'll be using Simonk flashed 30a ESCs and motor selection is up in the air. SK3, NTM, Avroto? 10x4.5 props...

The flamewheel worries me a bit because it seems like so many people buy the DJI frames and end up selling them for some reason (vibrations?)

I could put this FC on my HT-FPV frame but I don't really feel like testing it on my main quad.

Any hexacopter frame suggestions?

Thanks Everyone. Looking forward to getting burned by the soldering iron!

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  • anyone have any other suggestions before I pull the trigger on the xaircraft?

  • Anyone have experience with the DJI F550 and APM 2?

    Seems the Xaircraft DJI CF hexa frame is a hit with APM 2....


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