GLB 2 axis offset by 30 degrees?

Hey guys. I have setup a GLB brushless gimbal. I can't figure out the correct setup through apm. I want to be able to adjust with my rc6 input but also be able to POI following. I got it setup correctly through the gimbal software to control it with the channel six knob. But then when I setup through a11 apm output I can get it to select different angle when I say to point camera at different altitudes but it seems to think "level" is at a 30 degree down angle. The gimbal is showing the correct level attitude. But once I start sending commands through mission planner it goes back to the 30 degree angle and then doesn't let me control it with the channel 6 any more.Here's how I have it all setupReceiver channel 6 output -> apm rc6A-11 pwm from apm to the Rc inputs in the gimbalRc6 set to control tiltI have gimbal software tilt set to "speed mode" which means that my spring loaded knob is perfect for tilting the camera but then it won't control through mission planner.Thanks so much in advance for your help. I feel like I've tried every combination but I keep losing channel 6 control once it picks the angle through apm. How do I go back to manual control?

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  • Ok I figured out how to reset back to manual pitch control but the gimbal still points about 20 degrees lower than I think it should I'll right click a point straight in front of it and type 0 for the altitude and it will aim at about 22 degrees down.
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