Good flight today with AUTO on APM

Hello All,

When I got to the area I fly in today, the wind starts picking up, and looking back at the weather station, it was average 5mph with gusts to 8mph.

Not that much, but a decent amount for testing new small aircraft.

I said to my self, "discretion is the better part of valor, walk away" as the IMU was calibrating.  Then I came to my senses, hit the throttle, and chucked it.

I had turned the pitch/roll PID gains up a bit from stock.  Need to turn them back down.  Stock PIDs seem like they may be a good place to be for an easystar in stabilize.

I think I have my waypoints loaded, and kicked it into AUTO, presumably down-wind from my waypoints.

It was an an amazing flight, with much more precise controls of elevator, rudder and throttle than I've seen in any of the previous versions.

But it pointed into the wind, and basically held its position directly over my head.  The control it had in the gusty wind was amazing, but it thought one of a few things.

1)  It was just supposed to loiter.  (with a stiff wind, will it still always try and calculate a radius around WP, or will it just sit on top if it can?)
2)  It was trying to make next waypoint, but groundspeed was effectively 0.

Need to think about it some more.

In my moment of lunacy, I of course forgot to turn the camera on.  I also skipped across a nice mud puddle on landing.

Could someone please take a look at my WP file and log, and see if we can tell what was going on?

I'm running r721...thanks!




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  • Is there a min ground speed you can specify?

    If not maybe someone could think about coding MIN ground speed during mission flight. This will have an effect on the auto landing feature and will need to be address when auto landing has commenced.

    Obviously if the wind speed is higher than your aircraft is capable of flying then you should abort the mission or get a faster bird.

    Good luck and nice work!
  • Developer
    John, what GPS were you using?
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