GPS causes APM 1.4 board to reset randomly

I have recently upgraded from a jdrones quad to a hex with a DJI 550 frame. All electronics the same except for the PDB which was changed and I used the 550 integrated PDB.

All testing looked fine when hooked up to MP with both usb and then with the Lipo connected. So I thought lets go and fly it at the field. First flight lasted for about 2 mins until it wobbled like crazy, hit the ground and broke 3 props. Props replaced and everything checked out fine again. Off to the park again and this time the flight lasted about 20secs until the copter flipped over and drove itself into the ground. Damage report was 2 bent motor shafts and a burnt motor.

This is when I decided a lot more testing was needed.

What I have found is that with the GPs connected the APM board will reset and in doing so shut the motors down. This was tried multiple times through ground run ups and I could achieve the resetting of the board everytime. Without the GPS connected everything was fine and I actually got 2 full 8 min flights completed yesterday without a problem. Because of this I am hesitent to hook up the GPS again.

Has anyone had this happen or does anyone know what would cause this. The GPS seems to check out fine when testing with CLI.

I am stumped


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